The Treatment Visit...

A treatment visit is not as long as an examination visit and is usually 15 minutes long or 30 minutes for an extended office visit. To start you will be asked how you feel, if there are any changes since your last visit, or if any other concerns have arisen. It's all about you and how we can help.
Dr. DeFranca will briefly re-examine you before and after each treatment as a comparison. Based on the examination findings, treatment will be rendered. This can be in the form of joint manipulation, muscle trigger point work, deep soft tissue therapy, specialized stretching techniques, acupressure, etc. Afterwards, exercises, nutrition, stress reduction, and meditation can be discussed. If indicated, you will be scheduled for future visits.
Dr. DeFranca will briefly re-examine you before and after each treatment as a comparison. Based on the examination findings, treatment will be rendered. This can be in the form of joint manipulation, muscle trigger point work, deep soft tissue therapy, specialized stretching techniques, acupressure, etc. Afterwards, exercises, nutrition, stress reduction, and meditation can be discussed. If indicated, you will be scheduled for future visits.

His treatment plan revolves around four goals:
- Pain reduction: feeling better.
- Functional restoration: getting things working better.
- Self-treatment methods: learning to do it yourself.
- Prevention/wellness: taking better care of yourself.