Dr. DeFranca's Top Ten List
1. Keep your Spine Healthy; Maintain Good Posture
A good functioning Spine favorably influences the Nervous System, which in turn, greatly influences your Health. Check out the Brugger’s Position of Relief. Chiropractic
2. Exercise and Stretch
Walk 30 minutes a day, stay active, do not become a couch potato! Sitting puts an undo stress on the spine that can cause pain. Interval training: 30 s on , 90 sec off.
3. Eat Well, Follow your "Owner's Manual"
You are what you eat. Plenty of whole foods, vegetables, fruits. Easy on the red meats, sweets, and grains. Anti-inflammatory anti-arthritis diet: plenty of good fats and oils. (fish and flaxseed oils, omega-3 fatty acids)
4. Water: the fountain of youth
Water is integral for life, dilution, detoxification Drink up! Listen to your thirst. Your urine should be clear.
5. Sleep Well and Dream: listen to your dreams.
They let you into your unconscious mind, send messages about your life’s mission, and aid in your life’s challenges with useful coded messages.
6. Think Well and Relax, Be Present!
Watch those thoughts! Psycho-immuno-neurology. Thoughts are things, what you think about you become. Think healthy thoughts, meditate, pray daily!!
The PAST-PRESENT-FUTURE time zones. Which one are you in?
7. Cry, Talk, Listen to your inner voice
“The body weeps the tears the eyes fail to shed.” -Robert Bly
Emotional constipation needs a good enema in the form of tears -George DeFranca
Allow yourself to feel your emotions. Don’t stuff them!
8. Hug someone, it's free and easy.
It's in giving that we receive. An important nutrient that most people are deficient in. Reduces stress, enhances immune system, feels good.
9. Breath: O2 and lymphatic flow
Belly vs. chest breathing, 4 x 4 breathing (4 seconds in and out)
10. Smile, Laugh, Be Happy, Be yourself- NOT what others want you to be! Love others and allow yourself to be loved. IT IS YOUR CHOICE!