Greens and Genes...

Genes And Greens – Not Grains: Eat like our ancestors!
George DeFranca, DC
I am often asked about diet and what the best foods are to eat. To simplify it for my patients I tell them to eat like our ancestors did 40,000 years ago. Our ancestors were “hunter-gatherers”. They existed on lean meats, fish, fruits, and vegetables. Agriculture and grains were not used until 10-12,000 yrs. ago. However, by the time grains were being introduced into the human diet, the vast majority of the human gene pool was already formed and programmed for a “hunter-gatherer” diet, also called the Paleolithic diet.

The point is, our genetic make-up is essentially the same as our ancestors and our bodies are still set-up to function metabolically as “hunter-gatherers”. According to S. Boyd Eaton, M.D., one of the foremost authorities on paleolithic (prehistoric) diets, "That the vast majority of our genes are ancient in origin means that nearly all of our biochemistry and physiology are fine-tuned to conditions of life that existed before 10,000 years ago…the problem is that our genes don't know it…they are programming us today in much the same way they have been programming humans for at least 40,000 years. Genetically, our bodies now are virtually the same as they were then." (1)
So I ask my patients to think about eating according to our genetic adaptation. That means we need to eat like our prehistoric ancestors and limit grains (including “healthy” whole grains: a grain is a grain) and increase out intake of vegetables, fruits, and high-grade proteins. In essence, we need to follow our OWNER'S MANUAL: the genetic code!
Dr. Eaton says that modern diets that are high in grains are out of sync with our genetic make-up. He states that the less we eat like our prehistoric ancestors, the more susceptible you'll be to the "diseases of civilization." (1) The problem with grains is that they supply our bodies with omega-6 fatty acids. Omega-6 fatty acids are metabolized in our bodies and help fuel pain, inflammation, and disease. Low-grade inflammation is now thought to be the basis for such conditions as arterial and heart disease, stroke, diabetes, cancer, arthritis, chronic degenerative diseases, and others. In addition, the garden variety of aches, pains, and stiffness will also be enhanced on a diet filled with grains. Furthermore, a grain filled diet will foster easy weight gain.
Our bodies are programmed to utilize foods high in omega-3 fatty acids, substances that have been shown to enhance immune function and maintain health and vitality of all bodily systems, including the brain and nervous system. If omega-6 fatty acids from grains fuel inflammation and pain, omega-3 fatty acids decrease it. Therefore it is crucial that we maintain a proper ratio of omega-6 : omega 3 fatty acids. Ideally it should be 1:1 and no more than 4:1. Once the diet contains a ratio of omega-6 : omega-3 fatty acids of 4:1, the incidence of disease, including cancer and heart attacks, increases. The average American diet has a ratio of about 20-50:1!! Is it any wonder that illness and chronic disease is rampant in our society?
If you do eat grain products, limit their amounts. If a serving is equal to an amount of food that fills the palm of your hand, then make sure that for every serving of grains or omega-6 rich foods, you should eat at least two servings (handfuls) of omega-3 foods.
1 Eaton SB, Eaton SB III, Konner MJ, et al., "An evolutionary perspective enhances understanding of human nutritional requirements," Journal of Nutrition, June 1996;126:1732-40.
So I ask my patients to think about eating according to our genetic adaptation. That means we need to eat like our prehistoric ancestors and limit grains (including “healthy” whole grains: a grain is a grain) and increase out intake of vegetables, fruits, and high-grade proteins. In essence, we need to follow our OWNER'S MANUAL: the genetic code!
Dr. Eaton says that modern diets that are high in grains are out of sync with our genetic make-up. He states that the less we eat like our prehistoric ancestors, the more susceptible you'll be to the "diseases of civilization." (1) The problem with grains is that they supply our bodies with omega-6 fatty acids. Omega-6 fatty acids are metabolized in our bodies and help fuel pain, inflammation, and disease. Low-grade inflammation is now thought to be the basis for such conditions as arterial and heart disease, stroke, diabetes, cancer, arthritis, chronic degenerative diseases, and others. In addition, the garden variety of aches, pains, and stiffness will also be enhanced on a diet filled with grains. Furthermore, a grain filled diet will foster easy weight gain.
Our bodies are programmed to utilize foods high in omega-3 fatty acids, substances that have been shown to enhance immune function and maintain health and vitality of all bodily systems, including the brain and nervous system. If omega-6 fatty acids from grains fuel inflammation and pain, omega-3 fatty acids decrease it. Therefore it is crucial that we maintain a proper ratio of omega-6 : omega 3 fatty acids. Ideally it should be 1:1 and no more than 4:1. Once the diet contains a ratio of omega-6 : omega-3 fatty acids of 4:1, the incidence of disease, including cancer and heart attacks, increases. The average American diet has a ratio of about 20-50:1!! Is it any wonder that illness and chronic disease is rampant in our society?
If you do eat grain products, limit their amounts. If a serving is equal to an amount of food that fills the palm of your hand, then make sure that for every serving of grains or omega-6 rich foods, you should eat at least two servings (handfuls) of omega-3 foods.
1 Eaton SB, Eaton SB III, Konner MJ, et al., "An evolutionary perspective enhances understanding of human nutritional requirements," Journal of Nutrition, June 1996;126:1732-40.