Soy Protein: What's wrong with that?

Soy Protein? Think twice before you eat it!!
Dr. George DeFranca
Non-fermented soy (ex.: tofu) is marketed as a great source of non-animal protein by the soy industry. However, recent evidence raises concerns over whether it should be consumed at all and provides challenges for vegetarians. Fermented soy (tempeh, miso, nato), on the other hand, seem to be safe. The following list contains reasons to avoid non-fermented soy protein:
- Nearly all soy products are genetically modified (GMO) foods which be avoided anyway.
- Soy also contains a lot of trypsin inhibitors, substances that prevent digestion of proteins in your gut by blocking or inhibiting certain protein enzymes.
- Contains goitrogens, things that impair thyroid gland function.
- Contains phytic acid which impairs your body’s ability to absorb key minerals.
- Contains phytoestrogens which can mimic estrogen activity at estrogen receptor sites. These have not been shown to reduce menopausal symptoms, and can cause problems with infants and children.
- Soy infant formula should be avoided at all costs!!! Soy can boost the circulating estrogen in infants several thousand times. (that’s several thousand!)
- Products to avoid
- Soy infant formulas
- Soy milk
- Soy protein isolates or textured vegetable protein (this is commercially produced using an acid wash in aluminum containers, therefore, it contains high levels of aluminum. Also has high levels of MSG)
- Tempeh
- Miso
- Nato